Online guide
to mediaeval manuscripts in
Wallonia - Brussels


Bibliothèque du Séminaire Episcopal - LIEGE - 6 G 21


Title and/or generic termMarques d'appartenance et table des matières (f. 1-4)

Title and/or generic termTractatus de confessione (f. 5r-32r)

Title and/or generic termDe impedimentis circa celebrationem misse (f. 32v-37r)

Title and/or generic termCarmen de passione (f. 37v)

Title and/or generic termDe nomine Jesu, cum exemplo (f. 37v)

Title and/or generic termDe cura infirmorum (f. 38r-39v)

Title and/or generic termFeuillet blanc (f. 40)

Title and/or generic termDe interrogationibus in confessione (f. 41r-52r)

Title and/or generic termPage blanche (f. 52v)

Title and/or generic termExpositio super Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Credo (f. 53ra-54vb)

Title and/or generic termAuctoritates (f. 55ra-61rb)

Title and/or generic termExempla quatuor (f. 60rb-60vb)

Title and/or generic termRigmata super Salve Regina (f. 61v-64r)

Title and/or generic termPoèmes religieux en latin (f. 64v-65v)

Title and/or generic termQuatrain en français (f. 65v-66v)

Title and/or generic termFeuillets blancs (f. 67-70)

Title and/or generic termPractica et summa de modo confitendi (f. 71ra-78ra)

Title and/or generic termPage blanche (f. 78v)

AuthorHugues de Saint-Victor (Pseudo- ) / Hugo de Sancto Victore (Pseudo- )
Title and/or generic termSpeculum ecclesiae (f. 79ra-90rb)

Title and/or generic termQuaestiones de officiis ecclesiae (f. 90va-92vb)

Title and/or generic termDe officiis ecclesiae metrice (f. 93r-94v)

Title and/or generic termTabula presentis libri (f. 95r)

Title and/or generic termPage blanche (f. 95v)

Title and/or generic termDe statu canonicorum (f. 96r-98v)

Title and/or generic termProverbia philosophorum (f. 99r-101v)

AuthorThomas de Cantimpré / Thomas Cantimpratensis
Title and/or generic termDe pluralitate beneficiorum (f. 102r-104v)

Title and/or generic termExempla (f. 104r-105v)

Title and/or generic termRigmus de statu clericorum (f. 106ra-110rb)

Title and/or generic termAuctoritates sanctorum (f. 110rb-125vb / f. 132va-138vb)

AuthorJacques de Bénévent / Jacobus de Benevento
Title and/or generic termViridarium consolationis (f. 126ra-132va)

Title and/or generic termDe litteris hebraicis (f. 139r-140r)

Title and/or generic termFeuillet blanc (f. 141)

Title and/or generic termDe ligno crucis (f. 142r-146r)

Title and/or generic termMetra (f. 146r-147r)

Title and/or generic termDe veris et falsis predicatoribus (f. 147v-149r)

Title and/or generic termChronologia christi (f. 149v)

Title and/or generic termFeuillet blanc (f. 150)

AuthorJean Gobi / Johannes Gobi
Title and/or generic termDisputatio inter priorem et spiritum Guidonis (f. 150r-162v)

AuthorGeert Groote / Gerardus Magnus
Title and/or generic termArticuli contra presbiteros fornicarios (f. 163r-166v)

AuthorGeert Groote / Gerardus Magnus
Title and/or generic termDe quinque punctis (f. 166v-168r)

AuthorGuillaume de Salvarville / Guillelmus de Salvarvilla
Title and/or generic termGerardi Groot elogium (f. 168v)

AuthorPierre Blois / Petrus Blesensis
Title and/or generic termCompendium in Job (f. 169r-192r)

Title and/or generic termPage blanche (f. 192v)

Title and/or generic termDe septem capitalibus viciis (f. 193r-312v)

Material description

Type of manuscritvolume composite
Number of volumes1
Format (HxB in mm)216x142
Folios / pages312 f.
Language(s) français, latin
Distinguishing marks ex-libris


General dating15e s.
Explicit dating1434
OriginCadre géographique: Belgique-Nord de la France
ProvenancePremière provenance médiévale: collégiale saint-Jean, Liège
Deuxième provenance médiévale: couvent des Croisiers, Liège

Location / Identity

Free commentsMs. composite constitué de 5 entités distinctes; Nombre de lignes: variable; Ex-libris: Liber fratrum sancte crucis leodiensium. Quem eis contulit dominus Wilhelmus de Wauera canonicus sancti Iohannis in insula leodij anno domini 1457 (f. 1r); Diocèse: Liège; Ordre religieux: Croisiers; Information complémentaire: 27 cahiers, plusieurs mains.

Ressources externes :

Biblissima :


SourceD'après le catalogue inédit de J. Gustin (n° 072). Version avril 2007.
Informations complémentaires fournies par Thomas Falmagne.
Author(s) of the index cardTHIEFFRY Sandrine [attachée au CIC / encodeur, correcteur] / VERWEIJ Michiel [attaché scientifique KBR / superviseur]

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With the support of the
Wallonia-Brussels Federation
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With the collaboration of the
Royal Library of Belgium (KBR)
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With the participation of
Scriptorium/Bulletin Codicologique